In my last blog post, I discussed how to see God working in your life. I want to expand on that and talk about how God works miracles and blessings in your life every day. If you are mindful, grateful, and curious about the Lord, you’ll see it. That will lead to a greater appreciation of God and increased gratitude in your heart for all that God Is.
When you think of miracles, you might not believe any are happening around you. After all, a miracle is a pretty incredible event and you probably haven’t seen anyone cleanse a leper with his bare hand or feed 5,000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish lately. But the Bible dictionary defines miracles as “manifestations of divine or spiritual power” and I have a feeling that if you sit still and meditate, you will see manifestations of God’s Holy spiritual power all around you. Psalm 46
The Miracle(s) Of Earth
To start, the creation and existence of Earth, which houses a population of 8+ billion people and growing, is a miracle. So is its daily functioning. Our planet constantly spins on its axis (never stopping) which creates a magnificent sunrise and sunset every day. Have you ever sat on a beach at dawn and viewed the gleaming sun ascending from the horizon, slowly illuminating the morning sky? Or, watched a glorious sunset where the descending sun turns the sky rich hues of pink and orange? These are glorious moments of beauty!
Another way Earth is perfectly made and maintained is the natural stoppage of oceans at shorelines. The tides are driven by the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun which keeps our oceans confined to the beach and not rushing into our backyards.
There is the amazing growth of plants and trees. Teeny, tiny seeds grow into massive, mighty trees and beautiful flowers sprout in the wild without human intervention.
Then, there is the mass of bright, shining stars that adorn the night sky which allows awe-inspiring, breathtaking stargazing. Check out a “dark sky place” if you get the chance. Nature is a miraculous thing of beauty!
The Miracles Of Humanity
Then, there’s you. Conception and implantation are intricate, precise processes so just being born at all is a miracle! Your body is a work of art as its many components enable you to breathe, walk, drink, eat, dream, etc. A person’s ability to think, reason, and communicate is a blessing from God since it could all be taken away instantly. Our bodies are amazing and were created to serve us well. For example, our ears are wired and tuned to pick up the right wavelengths for us because if they picked up slightly higher wavelengths, we’d hear the piercing noise of the particles around us.
Then, there are the advances happening in medicine, technology, and science every day. The people God miraculously made are unstoppable forces of progress.
Compare when Jesus fed the 5,000 and how we now have the resources and equipment to feed billions! Different regions have naturally occurring agricultural products like grain and produce and we have the technology and tools to feed the planet.
The Gifts God Gives To Us
God also gives each of us unique gifts, whether it’s the ability to communicate clearly, draw, invent, think scientifically, or myriad other qualities. There are countless historical examples of people creating amazing things that have greatly helped humanity. From Benjamin Franklin discovering electricity to Albert Einstein coming up with the theory of relativity to Marie Curie inventing portable X-ray machines, God bestows gifts on people in many forms that help the world work together and thrive!
J.K. Rowling is another example of a woman who used her gift from God to nurture millions of young minds. She was given a prolific gift to write and was able to hook millions of kids across the world back on reading! Some would say that was a miracle, ha!
Do you believe in God’s goodness?
Many of us ask for blessings and miracles every day but fail to realize when God provides them. We might be quick to explain away miracles and even blessings with logic and reasoning, failing to see God’s glory and mystery in them. If we don’t see God in the midst, providing good things, we may be quick to overlook His power and goodness.
If we don’t see God in the midst, providing good things, we may be quick to overlook This power and goodness.
It’s hard for people to believe that there’s something bigger than themselves. People question if God is real, saying things like “It’s just a coincidence that good stuff happens after you pray.” They ask for “real” advice that applies to them and their problems, not just text from the Bible. But the content of the Bible is profound and eternal and meant to be implemented in your everyday life for a much better life trajectory.
We claim to want to follow Jesus but most find it easier to rationalize everything that happens. If we aren’t grateful to God, we become stuck in finite ways of thinking. We also don’t want to be labeled “Jesus fanatics” but there are certainly worse things than being aware of Jesus’ presence. It takes a conscious effort to see him in the mundaneness of life but God is everywhere and wants to make this known to you when you seek Him.
“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” James 1:17
You are blessed
Even if you don’t see it, God is working behind the veil to bless you. Waking up with breath in your body is God’s first work of the day in your life and His works only continue from there. You’re blessed if you can get out of bed and stand, brush your teeth, and raise your arms to stretch.
One of the most important and gratifying things we can do as believers is to recognize how much He gives us and to be thankful for it. Many learn to pray using the acronym “ACTS” where the A stands for Adoration, the C for Confession, the T for Thanksgiving and the S for Supplication. It’s tempting to skip right to the “S” when we talk to God and ask for what we need or want. But what God wants more is our thanksgiving and when we notice all the gifts He gives us daily, the gratitude makes us feel much better, too!
The beginning of the eucharistic prayer goes like this:
Priest/pastor: “Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.”
The congregation: “It is right to give thanks and praise.”
Priest/pastor: “It is indeed right, it is our duty and our joy, at all times and in all places, to give you thanks and praise, Holy Father, heavenly King, Almighty and eternal God, through Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord.”
It is indeed right to give thanks and praise to the Lord! He delights in it and it nourishes your mind, body, and soul when you have a grateful mind and heart.
“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.” – Ephesians 1:3
Giving thanks and thinking of what you have rather than what you don’t have takes time and patience. Like any new habit, it probably won’t come easy at first, but once you get into the routine of it, you’ll begin to reap the reward of a grateful, abundant mindset compared to a scarcity mindset. I’m not saying you won’t still have desires and wants and you will get frustrated and upset about not having the earthly things you want. You will probably backslide but that’s normal and human. You can get back on track by being still and thoughtful, repenting. Jesus is always there to guide you forward.
“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him.” – Jeremiah 17:7
I know it’s a cliché but it doesn’t make it any less true – waking up every day is a miracle and a blessing. Being born was a miracle. Surviving in a tough, competitive world is a miracle!
And yet, the biggest miracle of all is the atonement of Jesus Christ because it assured our salvation and allowed us to be reunited with God after death. You don’t have to fear death because Jesus is the life. This miraculous gift is one we should never take for granted. Let us live this gift as,
Isaiah 41:10 “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand”
“Jesus said, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand.” – John 10:27-29.
What do you consider a miracle in your life? Let me know below.
Blog written by Dana Hornor Mosolgo
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